Friday 26 June 2015


So this week I posted about "Sprinting to a Different Finish Line". The finish line that is the end of the Australian financial year and the end of a 12 month incentive that the company I work for runs every year. The prize for reaching very high goals is a trip to somewhere in the world for the weekend. That somewhere is always known from the 3rd week of July of that financial year. This year, the destination is Las Vegas. We get a big party on the Friday (last year Will.I.Am  was the DJ), we have a conference on the Saturday with guest speakers (last year, Will.I.Am, John Prendergast and Li Cun Xin- Mao's Last dancer). Saturday night, we have a ball and a guest act (last year, Jesse J and Havana Brown). Other guest speakers have been Michael J Fox, Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, Andre Agassi. It's big business this ball. I go every year and as I said, this year is the first year I won't go as an individual, but we are with in a hair's width of going as a team. My job is consuming; emotionally, mentally and sometimes physically. By physically I mean when it is coming down the wire to qualify, work days are long, it's dark when you leave, you are tired, mentally spent. I was just talking to one of the boys yesterday saying that even thought I was out of action for nearly a week after Stadium Stomp, the week following (the one just going past) has meant I have done nothing. I feel crap for not doing so but feel too crap to do so. Vicious cycle that I know one walk/ gym session will stop. I have been lazy. I've been working nearly 12 hour days and also working on my days off just for that opportunity to go to "The Paradise of Vice". This isn't normal in my job. I have taught myself to leave on time, but at this very pointy end of the year, there is more to do than normal. I don't want to get to June 30 and say maybe I should have done this or that. I'm tired, I'm exhausted, I'm spent. Tomorrow is also my day off. I am going in to work for 4 hours. Then I will come home. Sunday is a day off. I will more than likely take that day off too as my manager is having her 30th party. Conveniently, just around the corner from my house.

Whatever you are doing this weekend, do it well, and have fun.

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