Sunday 16 November 2014


So this week started in earnest with a 3.6 km jog with Mum on Monday. IT inspired my enough to decide that Monday was the day to start training for the NYC Half. I went home and began to create a training schedule. I have worked in 2 rest days currently on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Chose those as I usually work until 6 pm on a Thursday, sometimes work on a Saturday and there is also a yoga class on the Saturday morning I could take if I wanted to do something extra.
I got out the Hal Higdon guide to marathoning and had a look at his half marathon plans. Was pleased to see no mid week runs are really much over 5.5 miles :) Joy. I forget this is a half, so to not see things like 20 milers took a while to sink in... but JOY!!!
I have put in 2 x 20 km and 2 x 18 km runs in to the plan. I am increasing my long runs by 1 km a week, and started this week at 6km.

I found the 2 x 5.0km I did this week took what seem liked forever and were slow and my calves were achy. So before the long run (of 6kms), I did the ill advised static stretching and voile- no achy calves and a faster pace.

I got on the scales and it shows over 2kg loss (???) with weight at 76.9 kgs.
I have started doing apple cider vinegar shots 2-3 times a day.
Still doing the probiotic fizzy drink.
Really trying to watch what goes in but did have a sneaky chocky donut on Sat.

Monday: 3.6 km jog
Tuesday: 5.0 km slow slow run
Wednesday: Pilates intro (not a workout) and Yoga
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 5.0 km slow slow run
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Long run and FASTEST of the week with a negative split on last 3 km- 6 km

So a good week all round. Taking each day as it comes and making my headspace right.
Roll on week 2.

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