Thursday, 3 September 2015


All I can say is #dontbeafraid
OMG this is my fastest ever 10 in history. Faster than the last treddy effort on the Saturday night.
Run intervals at 10/10.5 and pushing it up to 11.0km/hr.
Run intervals really 300-500 at that speed. Walk intervals 200 at the start but reduced to 100 when doing only 300 running.
OMG. So chuffed. Next goal is under 65 but that is going to take some work.
Just got to get this kind of speed up to 15km distance.
Still got 6 weeks. Hoping for some #racedaymagic.
Finally can do this without running out of air.

Giddy Up, Happy Running.


So back on the treddy. It was my first mid week day off in weeks. I had the alarm set for 5:30 am t go out for 14 kms. It went off and I reset for 8:30. Just needed a sleep in. It has been a long 3 weeks since I got back from leave.
I'm definitely #racefit for City2Bay. no doubt about it. The fast 10 km on the treddy a couple of weeks back showed me that.
See what tomorrow brings. Long runs are necessary but so are some quality short ones.

Sunday, 30 August 2015


So this week was really a total right off. I gave myself a couple of impromptu rest days after last Sunday's mini marathon. That turned into a rest week. Far too tired from work and just wanted to beat one with my couch. So this morning was lofty with Katie. Ignore the time, it said we got up there in 34 mins and it was only 2.8 kms (yet we had parked about 500 m away from the start), so who knows.
In any case with was a ripper morning (all be it hideously fresh at the bottom). Great view from the top and obligatory summit photo with my buddy :)
Back down and home by 10 am which was great.
Let's see how this weekend pans out. Tuesday will be the best day for a long run and the target is 14km (so waking up early on my first double days off in weeks).  7 weeks to go.

Sunday, 23 August 2015


Today, for some it was marathon day. For me it started as a 12km long run up to the city to meet Sam and cheer on the marathoners and the halfers. The day finished very differently.
Was up at 5:45 and out the door by about 6:20am. It was fresh but perfect running weather.
Sub 1:40 not a bad time for the 12km. Met up with Sam and we based ourselves at the weir for cheering. My friend Julia was running her first marathon and I had promised I would have a bit of a run with her each time she passed. This plan also finished differently. Like me she is a back of the packer. She had had a sprained ankle 7 weeks out on a 30km run. She came past me at 13 km and off we went for a bit of a trot, just 1/2km to get her under the bridge and on her way.

Good morning!
Not a bad time for a training run
Sam and I at the weir, preparing for cheering duties

After that, we waited for some people to come past on their way back around to the botanic loop. Steve Moneghetti was running and Sam and I managed to get this selfie as he came past.

Not sure why but I am all cross eyed. Sam, Steph, Ev and I!

So the girls had left and I knew that Julia would be coming around the weir again at about 27 km to head back up the hill to North Adelaide. She was in a bad way. There were tears and talks of pulling out. I wasn't having a bar of it. You can't come 27 km of a 42 km race and pull out. So we joined forces and we walked the next 15 km to the finish. Her ankle was sore, everything was sore. I get that, I've been there. Twice. If it never hurt, everyone would do it. The ankle was a bit of a worry but she wasn't limping and was still moving forward, so I was confident she would be ok. So for 15 pretty brutal km, we talked, we walked and we got to the finish. At about 38km we had got a message from Julia's husband who was at the finish that they had saved a medal (she was only a little over the 6 hour cut off). That was enough to spur her on to keep going as honestly, it's the bling that makes this idiocy that we put ourself through worthwhile. We got there, and so my day went from a 12 km training run to actually around 30 km ( if you count the back and forths from the weir to the oval and then my walk to Currie St). The bus was going to be 26 mins so I got a cab.

Today was one of the first times, since volunteering a year ago in NYC, that I have been able to give back to some one in the running community. To see someone become a marathoner for the first time is really truly amazing. It was a great day and topped off by Julia's daughter putting her medal around her neck as she came over the line. I only had one day off this week and I spent most of it at this running festival. Great, great day. 

So what you need to know is this entire day was fuelled by a honey stinger wafer and a medium cappuccino. I do not condone this type of fuelling for this distance, but it can be done. At no time was I hungry, AT ALL. Nor did I feel that I was lacking energy.
Needless to say though, I nearly cleared out the local supermarket of food and have since inhaled that and a piece of Red Square Cheese (cheese = protein).
I've had a shower and a snooze and am currently wearing all sorts of compression. 

My unplanned afternoon of compression
And hideous minutes on this tool of torture
This is me.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


Long day at the office today so I have taken the night off from training. It's Wednesday and I worked. I don't work Wednesdays. Everything is not quite right!.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Well this one is even blurrier than the last one.
Legs are caning, glutes are tight and need some attention. Short walk today. Hoping for a run tomorrow.
Everything needs needling (this soon???).
Let's see what happens but it's a mental struggle at the moment.

Happy Running


So the physio is now on speed dial. Dry needling is coming.
After Saturday's MONSTER effort, the legs are saying "you are doing this again??".
That really should have been a slow slow run.... epic fail.
Sore to touch, the muscles on the inside of my lower thighs need a bit of waking up.
So spent this evening walking uphill to walk out the legs. Back to a run tomorrow.
Mr Foam Roller is back in my world. I have not missed it. Also got the stick out, one of the other tools of torture to give the legs some treatment.
And I love miscounting weeks until race day. It was 9 weeks yesterday..... yippee, I'm ahead (not really).
And after one week, I'm wearing my glutes as earrings.


Saturday, 15 August 2015


So solo Saturday turns into a PB Party.
Was sitting at homing pining for NYC. I had 10 km planned for tomorrow as my first long run for this half (leaving it rather late as we all know!). Was so bored I got dressed and headed to the gym just after 9:00 pm to do tomorrow's 10 today.
On the treddy by 9:20. Finished by 10:30. Ran on 0 incline (because I didn't realise I had forgotten to put it up until about km #5!!!
Fastest ever everything!!!

4k @28:49
5k @35:40
8k @57:00
10k @71:10

Just goes to show when you think you can't, you can.
I ran this session on intervals again with the walks at about 6.3km/hr (0.3km/hr faster than last 2 sessions) and the runs at 9.5-10km/hr.
Walks were all 200m. Run intervals varied from 500-800m and I did run a 1km interval towards the start at 9.5km/hr.
Bear in mind, I have hardly run for 2 months and just ran a PB over every distance.
This is my 5th run this week. Definitely rest day tomorrow now.
Totally smashed it out of the ball park.
So all those time trials I talked about yesterday? #doneanddusted !!!!!

Happy running, enjoy your Sunday!


Friday, 14 August 2015


Sub 40 5 km time trial SUCCESS!!!
Ran the last couple of intervals on 9.5 and 10km/hr!

Still on the interval pyramid which I am liking for the moment.
200/200/200/500/200/600/200/800/200/600/200/500/200/500 (because I wanted my sub 40!)

Once again running on an incline and next week will up that 0.5 to 2.5 to further test my fitness.
Next goal is sub 60 8km followed by a sub 1:15 10 km
When I achieve those I will know I am moving forward to race fitness.
Hoping to get the 8km by 25 August and the 10km 10 days following that which will bring me to 2 weeks before City to Bay where I want to go for the sub 1:30 across the 12km.

Happy Running!


So 3 days in a row. I wasn't quite fast enough on the run intervals so missed my sub 40.
Ran on a mini pyramid.
2.0 incline. Used 5.8-6.0 for walk intervals and runs varied from 7.5-9.5
Its the best way to push up the speed and test fitness. I used to run on zero incline but now find I can do a slight incline with no trouble.

Had a rest day on Thursday.
Happy Running

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


And back again to the gym as weather was less than fabulous and once again hideously windy. To give my hip flexors a rest I did an uphill walk for 5 km on 11 incline.
So totally boring but just a necessity as we race towards Oct 18th.
Diet is back under control with ample boiled eggs and yoghurt. Madarins are on the menu as they are just AMAZING at the moment.
Still trying to reduce my sugar intake. I am at about 51g which is about 13 tspns a day (this has been the average for the last 2 days). This is double the recommended amount however, if I took out the sugar from Fruit and Veg then that accounts for 35.3g which would bring me down to 16g which is 4 tspns and below the recommended amount. So in the right direction.
Not sure of tomorrow's plans. It is back to work and it could be a loooong day.


So fast forward about 6 weeks and here we are.... 9 weeks until race day and hideously undertrained.
After nearly 4 weeks of travelling for work and pleasure I find myself in August. So Monday I took myself off to the gym (the weather is windy here in Adelaide and makes running on the beach just hideous) for some kms. I don't mind the treddy as I can control the incline and the speed which helps me with time goals.
So this week's session and my first session in weeks had me do 0.5km walk intervals on 9.0 incline at about 5.6 av speed and 1.0km run intervals varying from 6.8-7.7km/hr on 4 incline.
Felt good that I could still run and could get in 8 km on my first session.
Back again tomorrow for my last day of leave. I then have the challenge of only 3 days off for the rest of August.

Sunday, 26 July 2015


Just so you all know, I have been overseas for the last 9 days training begins again soon!
New posts to come, stay tuned!

Sunday, 12 July 2015


So for those following at home you will know that after the NYC Half, I struggled with hamstring issues that have only had me run on race day- which is twice since March. With dry needling, I have got rid of the hamstring issue and so today, I ran.
I am 0.9kg of my 1st goal weight of 69.9 kgs (under 70) and am off to Vegas for a conference soon.
Todays session, involved 4 x 1.3 km runs at relatively good speed from 7.5-9.0/km/hr on 3 incline.
I walked 500 uphill on 9 incline, ran, then did 700 m walk intervals on 9 incline, finishing with a 1 km walk on the 9.0 incline.
After pizza for lunch, I needed to expend some energy.
Really pleased with my first actual training "run". Excited I can actually still run. Was thinking I would have been totally crap but it was actually really good. Sore hip flexors late in the peace which were relieved while sticking my fingers in them while I ran (TMI???).
Feeling ok now, hoping restless legs don't keep me up.
Happy running!

Thursday, 9 July 2015


2 days in a row.
Felt like death this morning so didn't get up as planned to walk long. Took the opportunity to sleep in a bit to try and keep my self from succumbing to the "team sickness".
So just went for a walk up the river. Ran up the hilly bits which was trying but ok.
So using this week to get back some motivation with the hope to be able to have a run in Vegas and Central Park in a couple of weeks.....even in the ridiculous heat.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015


.....And it begins again. It has taken me a long time to get back from Stadium Stomp on 14 June. That really quite damaged me at a time where mentally I needed to stay out there and keep going. Had it not, I am sure I would have exercised through the June 30 roller coaster. I went out iceskating today with my friend Sami and her girls, so spent 45 mins hoping I didn't fall over and break anything but got quite good in the end. I had always planned to go the to gym and do a walk (actually to be honest I was going to walk to the iceskating but it all got too hard). When Sami dropped me at home, I am not sure what happened but got on the couch and slept hard for over 2 hours. Woke up feeling like a truck ran over me. The ice-cream must have had valium in it or something. Anyway, it took me the best part of over an hour and a half to wake up properly, and get myself dressed and get in the car.
Was nice to finally be doing something and getting back in that mindset.
13 weeks and 5 days until race day.

Friday, 3 July 2015


There will be a small pause in transmission over the weekend as I have to head to Melbourne for our National awards night. Hoping to go for a small run on Sunday. Will be meeting up with some Dashers (the ones who haven't gone to the Gold Coast to run this weekend) for brunch.
Stay tuned

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


So for those following at home, there has been much anticipation in my work team qualifying for the World Conference in Las Vegas.
It is with much excitement that I announce, we made it!!
What we should have done in a year, we did in a month.
It was nice to get off the ride finally. Today I have a day off and it is mooch around day.
So hopefully there will be some exercise in my future now. It's a good thing I have already lost 5.5 kgs since I ran the New York Half (today I weighed in at 70.9 kgs).
Looking forward to a few days of normality before the insanity begins in a couple of weeks.

Monday, 29 June 2015


A quick post tonight. The finish line is so close. Tomorrow is the last day of the financial year here. We are within a stones throw of qualifying for the Global Ball in Las Vegas. What a ride the last 29 days have been. One more trading day to go, I can smell the margaritas and the melting havaiana runner from here. 
So wish us luck. Team Walkerville. 
See you on the flip side of June 30.

Saturday, 27 June 2015


I had some American friends who used these and other Honey Stinger products for fuel during running. I managed to try some of these at the New York Half Marathon Expo this year and bought a box as I really like the flavour.
They are nice and light and not as sweet as other fuels which I really like. I cannot stand that hideous sugar after taste that comes with a lot of running fuel. Each pack only 160 calories, gives you something to chew on rather than suck back like a gel so makes a great pre race fuel. It is a "honey based energy food made with natural ingredients". There are some other syrups/sweet ingredients in there, please use your own judgement to decide if this product suits you, your diet or your beliefs about food.
I really like them.

Click this Affiliate Link if you cannot see the picture in your email.

Friday, 26 June 2015


So this week I posted about "Sprinting to a Different Finish Line". The finish line that is the end of the Australian financial year and the end of a 12 month incentive that the company I work for runs every year. The prize for reaching very high goals is a trip to somewhere in the world for the weekend. That somewhere is always known from the 3rd week of July of that financial year. This year, the destination is Las Vegas. We get a big party on the Friday (last year Will.I.Am  was the DJ), we have a conference on the Saturday with guest speakers (last year, Will.I.Am, John Prendergast and Li Cun Xin- Mao's Last dancer). Saturday night, we have a ball and a guest act (last year, Jesse J and Havana Brown). Other guest speakers have been Michael J Fox, Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, Andre Agassi. It's big business this ball. I go every year and as I said, this year is the first year I won't go as an individual, but we are with in a hair's width of going as a team. My job is consuming; emotionally, mentally and sometimes physically. By physically I mean when it is coming down the wire to qualify, work days are long, it's dark when you leave, you are tired, mentally spent. I was just talking to one of the boys yesterday saying that even thought I was out of action for nearly a week after Stadium Stomp, the week following (the one just going past) has meant I have done nothing. I feel crap for not doing so but feel too crap to do so. Vicious cycle that I know one walk/ gym session will stop. I have been lazy. I've been working nearly 12 hour days and also working on my days off just for that opportunity to go to "The Paradise of Vice". This isn't normal in my job. I have taught myself to leave on time, but at this very pointy end of the year, there is more to do than normal. I don't want to get to June 30 and say maybe I should have done this or that. I'm tired, I'm exhausted, I'm spent. Tomorrow is also my day off. I am going in to work for 4 hours. Then I will come home. Sunday is a day off. I will more than likely take that day off too as my manager is having her 30th party. Conveniently, just around the corner from my house.

Whatever you are doing this weekend, do it well, and have fun.

Thursday, 25 June 2015


In 2013, I ran the New York Marathon. I ran this as a 40th birthday present to myself.
Click here for my race report.
It is a day that changed my life. The people I met through that race as still in my life and have become some of my closest friends. The positive power of social media.
Hope you enjoy the read.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015


I only had one pair of these socks for a very long time. For some reason I found them not ideal compared to other socks I had. I then bought about 6 pairs at the NYC Marathon expo in Nov 2014 and have never looked back. They have become one of my favourite brands of socks. Available in so many colours, I love them. They are fitted giving support around the arch. Padded to provide cushioning on both the ball of the foot and the heel. At the expo they normally have 3 pairs for $45USD which is such good value as they are about $30AUD a pair here. Can't go wrong with a deal like that!. They aren't left/right sculptured, but I still like them. If you are not used to padding on your socks you may wish to try with one pair first.

Affiliate Link- click here if you can't see the picture in your email

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


So June here in Australia means the end of the financial year and the company I work for has an annual incentive that finishes on June 30. It is the world conference that is for "The Best of the Best".
I have been for the last 5 years and have only missed 1 out of the 7 I could go to. I normally qualify as an individual but this year, I have fallen slightly short. However, our store has it's best opportunity to qualify as a team. It will go down to the wire, 5:30pm on June 30.
The prize, a trip to "The Paradise of Vice", Las Vegas for the weekend. One of my favourite towns.
We last went here as a company 5 years ago. We took over Caesar's Palace and had one of the biggest pool parties, the town had ever seen. So big, they closed the pool the next day to clean it.
This year, I believe we are at The Venetian. God help them. This event attracts 3000 agents globally.
So for the next week, it is head down, bum up to get to the finish line.
It's a different type of race but the bling is amazing.

Wish us luck.


If you are thinking of doing a marathon or want to know what it is like to train for one, please head over to my blog :
This tells the tale of what training I did, some of the food I used in training and of course the all important race report. It is a blog covering 9 months of training for the New York Marathon, which I ran as a 40th birthday present to myself. Plenty of ubiquitous Garmin photos with distances and times. The race was the inspiration for the forming my group the Dungog Dashers who even 2 years on are still meeting up at races, going to surprise birthday parties and catching up all over the world.
This race and the lead up to it truly changed my life for the better. The people I met through this race have enriched my life more than I could ever have imagined.
You can also read about my latest gathering with them in New York, during March by clicking the links below.


Thank you for reading :)

Monday, 22 June 2015


This girl is big on interval running. I never used to be. I used to think you had to run all the way to get faster times. I have had 4 PB's this year using Jeff Galloway's method of run/walk intervals. I got the gym boss to help me in the NYC Marathon in 2013 and have used it ever since. I love it.
If you have a basic Garmin or watch for running this will be the perfect accompaniment to your either of those. Available in an array of colours, the Gymboss Mini Max runs off 1 x AAA battery. You can adjust your intervals to anything you like. Maximum of 99 rounds of the 2 intervals. Beeps go off for 1, 2 or 5 seconds and the beep can be quite loud (for a race like NYC Marathon, this is essential. I had to wear it on the neck hole of my top the crowd was that loud. It's so easy to use this product, I am a big fan and recommend it to anyone who needs something to time their intervals. It means you aren't always looking at your watch.
So if you want to get the perfect interval timer click below!

Affiliate Link


When I first started running, I couldn't stomach Gu Gels. I loved the idea of all their flavours, but they never sat right in my belly. In the last 12-18 months, things have changed and I have been able to use these gels and I really do like them.
My #1 favourite is the salted caramel flavour. It is sweet but not sickly. These gels also don't have that vile aftertaste that some of the synthetic fuels have.  Best deal I have ever had is $1USD each at the NYC Marathon Expo. However, if you are not able to get there in November, then click below and the lovely people at Amazon can send some to you!

Affiliate Link


Sunday, 21 June 2015


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Powerbar is one of the big hitters when it comes to running fuel making gels, protein bars, wafers and other fuelling options for athletes.
I had never tried these wafers until I saw them at the NYC Marathon Expo in 2014.
I decided to buy a few and wish I had bought a bunch.
At 160 cals, they provide a reasonable pre race/mid race fuel option.
They do come in other flavours, but I prefer this one.
I like the fact that they provide a bit of a boost but aren't sickly sweet. An issue I have with lots of the synthetic fuels out there.
If you think you want to try them out, click below to be taken straight to where you can buy them!

(Affiliate Link)


Mum and I headed out very early at 6:30 am in 6C temperature. No wind and virtually no cloud. Great morning for a long walk.

I did forget to turn off the Garmin until about 45 minutes after we got in!
So time was about 2:14 and distance would have been really about 10.8km
A smashing day here in the Rads.
So if you are pondering over whether to go out, put your shoes on, grab your iPod and just walk.
At least you will be out getting some sunshine, topping up your Vitamin D and burning some calories.
Enjoy your Sunday!


PowerBar is one of the big hitters when it comes to running fuel. They have a wide selection of gels, protein bars, wafers and other fuelling options for  all athletes.
I had never tried these wafers until I saw them at the NYC Marathon Expo in 2014.
I decided to buy a few and wish I had bought a bunch.
At 160 cals, they provide a reasonable pre race/mid race fuel option.
They do come in other flavours, but this is the only one that actually.
I like the fact that they provide fuel but aren't sickly sweet, an issue I have with lots of the synthetic fuels available. It can also be broken in half as it is pre-scored.
You can buy them individually or in a pack of 12.
If you think you want to try them out, click below to be taken straight to where you can buy them!

(Affiliate Link)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Oh dear god, I am so out of practice with recovery. So kind of neglected the foam roller or stick on Sunday (first mistake). Walking on Monday, difficult and sitting down all day wouldn't have helped. Middle of the night on Tuesday morning, I had to get on the roller, almost instant relief, but then got up at 7:30...ugh
Went for a 5 km walk, see below how long it took me to get from mine to Henley jetty!.
Under that, that is me in Ikea, going down the stairs, sideways, one at a time like a geriatric.
Got in an epsom salts bath tonight which was helpful but now I have sat down, the lactic acid is back.
Legs are sore to even touch. I have got the stick and am trying to use that. Adductors are very very sore.
Wanting to do the event at the MCG but don't want to be like this :)
Still, great challenge the #stadiumstomp ! Don't let that put you off!

Sunday, 14 June 2015


A little quiet on the blogging front this week. I have felt under the weather and the winter having set in here has initiated some hibernation activity in me. However, today, I took on the challenge of 6000 steps of the Adelaide Oval. First week in a long time I won't be anywhere near 30 km and you know what, that is ok.
My friend Louise joined me for this event (we went to NYC in 2013). It was tough but it was fun. About half way through, the glutes were caning and coming downstairs was just jelly leg central/
Total course was about 4 km, took us about 1:15. For those who know me, stairs are not my forte, especially coming down, but I did really well, even on the steep upper levels. Not even a little wobble. So Lofty and Stairmaster, is good training. Not sure how you get down stairs training except by going down the stairs!

When I got home, I was totally spent. Walking around the supermarket was a zombie effort (when you need groceries you gotta go, especially when your later afternoon is being taken up with Entourage movie in Gold Class!!).
Had a short nap and as I write this I am not sure I can make it to the end of Masterchef. Laundry is done, dishwasher has been put on and bins put out.


Tesltra Plaza, Adelaide Oval

Me outside Adelaide Oval

Ready to Stomp- Finally got a bib number I am happy with.

Louise and I found this sign just towards the end of the course... And yes we are.

Louise and I- just started. We had also just seen my tweet of my bib on the big screen. Dasherlife got to be on the big screen at the Oval.

Yep- these steps hurt.

One of many UPS.

Don't look down.

Yep- they are steep.

Finish Line- ACDC was on as I came across

Great Venue

Finisher! With my bling.

Louise and I with our bling.

More bling pics

Couple of red lines where there shouldn't be, but hilarious map.

Hot Fireys Going to Stomp in full get up.


It's cold this week. I am cold. Stairmaster tonight in preparation of Stadium Stomp on Sunday at Adelaide Oval.
Back for a session of dry needling tomorrow. Dinner tomorrow night so will give the legs a rest tomorrow.


Monday, 8 June 2015

08/06/15 TREDDY 7km

Monday Night treddy session. After a day of tidying the spare room and cutting fabric, I had a nap about 2:30 pm. I'd done 4 hours of 20 minute intervals cleaning and cutting. I'd used most of my calories by that time (had my beef casserole for lunch and a bagel). Woke up after sleeping really hard with a hideous headache, so not conducive to wanting to go and exercise. In any case got dressed and headed down to the gym.
Did 5 km on 7-11.5 incline at about 5.6km/hr avg speed. Then 2 km on 3.5 incline. Funny when you bring down the incline the lower one feels like it is downhill!
Even dinner hasn't got rid of the headache. I thought it had but it just dulled it.
Bed beckons after 36km in 3 days.
Only 1 day of work and then the usual Wednesday off (thank god).

Sunday, 7 June 2015


So with a weekend that has been rather hefty on the food, I had to head to the gym to redeem some calories (got about 800 back- or so). This brought me to about 30 km in the last 2 days. Sometimes you've just got to keep moving. Should be heading out to do something tomorrow as well, not sure what yet, I will see what the weather brings but I may even give myself a bit of a sleep in.

07/06/15- Long Walk #2 with Mum

So the long weekend continues. Walking with Mum to Glenelg. Stop at Cibo for our long black with steamed milk and 1/2 a tuna sandwich each. Good time made, nothing speedy. There was a seal in the ocean lolling around in the waves which was lovely to see. Weather still great. Been a lovely long weekend so far.

06/06/15 Long walk with Mum

Great morning for a walk. It was 6 degrees C, so three layers required. Lovely photo op on the bridge.
Walked to Henley and met Mum. We walked on to Grange and then back to Henley where I walked towards home, but not before taking a detour up the river. No great pace but good distance. Good way to start the long weekend after a lovely dinner at Sosta in town last night for my brother's 40th. Tonight is pizza for dinner at a friend's house.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

04/06/15 Late Evening Treddy

Thursdays is always a slightly later finish for me making it a late arrival home after the gym.
However, did 3 kms... incline wasn't working but just kept going as couldn't be bothered changing machines. Tomorrow night it is dinner out for my brother's 40th and then will walk Saturday and Sunday. Monday will more than likely be treddy and stairmaster in the afternoon. Might be a low mileage week this week, but still should crack the 30 km average :)

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

02/06/15 LOFTY followed by DRY NEEDLING

Chilly but sunny day here in the Rads. Lofty was the event for today with Sami and Ev. We ran part of the way up and ran some of the way down. With more practice, and an unaggravated hamstring I am sure I can run more. Running down was good and it was nice because I ran between the girls (one in front and one behind) so keeping up was not a problem and considering their average time on the road is about 5:10/km on the trail there were points where we were running at 6:00-6:45/km pace.  I am just baffled at how my asthma has literally disappeared. Was just a fabulous afternoon and it was my fastest ever up and down by I reckon at least 8-10 minutes. Glutes absolutely caned so there was a few stops on the way up but I was so happy with a 56 minutes up time.
We ate at a local cafe for lunch (entertainment book) which was nice and I got to treat myself to a burger.
Got dry needled again this afternoon and am quite sore. 8 cm needles lodged in my flutes, hamstrings and thighs and wiggled around until they twitch and release. It certainly showed in my glutes this week with them not reacting so much to the needles. The right hamstring however went nuts and my quad well, it could barely be touched before needling. Both muscles like rocks. Another session next week and then I will have a rest to see how it goes.