Since starting this running lark, I have learnt so much about my body. When I trained for Paris, my glutes were so tight that they would wake me up in the night twitching. I learnt about dry needling quite late in the peace and got it every week at my physio. It did provide some relief. I also got a massage every week for about the last 6 weeks ( I had also injured my hip flexor 9 weeks out). Legs only, but thats all I needed. The massage I get is no airy fairy effleurage. This is elbows and forearms digging in and being dragged across muscle fascia pushing out every millimetre of tightness for an hour.
For New York Marathon, the issues weren't as bad in the glutes, still tight, but had the plan for 12 weeks of dry needling once a week and continued with the massage. My calves were tight.... and huge.
The New York Half, well my glutes didn't suffer as much so I just got the weekly massage.
I do rely on a foam roller but sometimes, no matter what angle or how hard you lie on it, nothing beats elbows in your glutes and forearms being dragged across your quads, calves and hamstrings.
I struggle with tight calves always at long distance and let's say that winter boots are not an option, even the ones for bigger legs.
Since about 2 days after NYC Half I have suffered with a hamstring issue that is clearly glute related as the pain moves from just under my butt cheek, down to the middle of the back of my thigh and when it sits there it is like someone is poking a stick in my leg. Since starting my stair training and also the uphill walks and runs, I have noticed my glutes are becoming so tight, that I could crack walnuts (again). It is not helped by sitting down all day at work. This also affects the hamstring, so I am currently in a vicious cycle. It is something I need to get looked at and I am clearly going to need some dry needling to release everything. Going back to yoga on a Wednesday night I think will also help.
It's because of the hamstring issue why I have been walking in the week and running only on race days. The stair master is also clearly working my glutes making for a continual cycle of tightness.
I am sure I am not the only one, but when your rear aches when you sit down/lie down it is so frustrating. There is only so much foam rolling you can do before you need to bring in the big guns.
Any other constructive suggestions?